True Beginning Ministries Easter Page

Easter Fun

Easter Story
Easter Fun
Inspirational Stories
Easter Recipes
A Message

Flowered Basket

Ages 6 & up.

You need:

  • 18" x 24" Heavy Ivory Paper
  • Pink, Yellow, Purple and Green Letter Size Paper
  • Flowers: Print 2 each on yellow, purple, and pink
  • Leaves: 2 each on green
  • Tacky Glue
  • Scissors
  • Hole Punch (Optional)



Cut heavy ivory paper into approximately a 16" circle with a 7" circle drawn in the middle. The inner circle will be the basket bottom. Trim area around this into 1" radiating strips. Bend radiating strips up at dotted lines to begin to form basket side.

Cut about eight 1" x 24" strips out of the same paper. Beginning close to the bottom of basket, weave one of these strips in and out of the radiating strips all the way around the basket. Cut off or add extra piece to complete first woven level. Secure ends with tacky glue. Weave two or three more levels.
Fold or cut excess radiating strips even with the top level.

To make the handle, wrap one of the precut strips (we'll call this the core) with another precut strip as shown:

Secure ends with tacky glue. Continue with additional strips until the handle core is covered. Trim ends. Glue to inside of basket.

Cut out flowers and leaves. Printed side will be the back of the flowers and leaves. Bend pieces up slightly on the dotted lines. This will add depth to the flowers. Assemble flowers by layering pieces. Use a small dot of glue in the center of each piece to secure. Punch out small circles with a standard whole punch for flower centers. Here are some examples of how your flowers could look:

Glue the flowers around the basket. Glue on leaves, tucking them under flower petals.



Easy Easter Cross
Mar 04 '02

The Bottom Line great Easter Craft

I made this cross with first graders the results were great.

15 sugar cubes
White glue


Take 9 cubes and line them up with 3 rows of 3 so that you have a base for you’re cross glue these rows together with the white glue. Make sure you glue each side of the middle cubes so the whole base is glued together.

Set this aside to dry it will take about 15 minutes

For the cross shape you line up four cubes and glue the last two cubes are glued to the third cube from the bottom for the sides of the cross.
Let this part dry for the same amount of time.

After the pieces is dry glue the cross to the base.
It should be glued to the middle block of the base. Let it dry.

This cross looks wonderful and if placed on a shelf will last for a few months. When some of the parents saw this they thought it looked like marble. I think all age children would enjoy this craft but under 7 a child would need quite a bit of assistance with the gluing.


Easy Spring Flowers

These flowers are quick to make and the children enjoy making them.

Make sure you put newspaper or something protective under the coffee filters as the markers will bleed through them.

This project is rated VERY EASY to do.

What You Need

  • Markers
  • Newspapers or protective cover for work area
  • Coffee filters
  • Bumpy chenille stem (or regular chenille stem)

How To Make It

    bottom of flower
  1. Cover work area with newspapers or other protective covering.
  2. Let children draw or color on 5-7 coffee filters with the markers. Random markings are just fine as detailed drawings won't show up in this project.
  3. Place one coffee filter decorative side down on the table. Stack other coffee filters decorative side up on top.
  4. Fold coffee filters in half. Scrunch middle of the coffee filters (starting at the bottom coffee filter).
  5. Wrap chenille stem tightly around scrunched area to hold in place. Straighten chenille stem to use as flower stem.
  6. Let the children make a couple and put them in a May Basket.
  7. Early on the morning of May 1st hang on your mother's door, a neighbor's door, a friend's, or anyone special to you.
  8. Remember, it's supposed to be a surprise!

Easter Egg Coloring 101
Everything you need to know, to make artistic, traditional and even silly Easter eggs.

Preparation- The obvious...
Before decorating your eggs, you need to hard-boil them.
Place the eggs in a large saucepan. Add cold water - enough to completely cover the eggs. Place on medium-high heat and bring water to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer eggs for 9 minutes. Remove from heat and fill with cold water. The eggs must be completely cool to decorate successfully.

A Dozen ways to decorate Easter Eggs

1. A Kit...When we were young PAAS was the only way to go.
Now you can purchase many different kits with stickers, holders etc.

2. Make your own food color dye.
Combine 1/2 to 1 Tablespoon of food coloring with 2 tsp. vinegar in a
cup that is deep enough for the eggs. Add water to about the half way point. Gently place the eggs into the cups. I use a soup spoon to place
my eggs in the cups, to avoid cracking. The longer they are left in the dye, the darker the color shade. Experiment with different combinations of colors When you remove the egg from the dye, pat dry with a paper towel and place in a holder.

3. Crayon Resist
Color on the Easter eggs before placing in the dye.
Simple Dots, lines shapes swirls...The wax will resist the dye and your picture will show through. If you are dying Easter eggs with little ones
and do not want to use dye...The children can simply color the eggs with crayons and leave it at that.

4. Collage Eggs
Adorn your eggs with miscellaneous craft supplies,
Using white or craft glue to attach. 
Items to try: sequins, buttons, glitter, or beads. 
stickers or even color with markers. Get wild!

Burnt Match Cross

Marlene sent in a note asking if I remembered from my days as a girl how to make burnt match crosses.  It took me a bit, but I do!

Jennifer sent in this helpful tip: "I have a suggestion for the burnt match crosses- we did them a few years ago at VBS and I was able to find rainbow matchsticks (no heads) at the local dollar store and craft store. When preparing for many kids this method cut down on time and dirty fingers (from the charred ends!)"

Grandma Gloria (my mom) was over when I was finishing up the instructions for this craft.  When she saw me working on it, she shared this story with me.

Back when mom was just beginning her teaching career, she had a student, named Carol, whose father was ill.  Carol was a quiet, diligent student who mom liked very much.  Sadly, the father passed away.

It was mom who had to break the news to Carol.  It’s not something they teach you how to do in university.  Mom is a sensitive woman and she remembers it as one of the hardest things she’s had to do.

Soon after, Carol brought in a matchstick cross that she’d made for my mom as a recognition and as part of the healing process.  When mom saw the cross we’d made at home, she remembered the story and asked if I might add it to the site.


bullet Box of matches or rainbow matchsticks
bullet cardboard
bullet glue
bullet an adult to help with the first step.

grown up version

kids version

Instructions:  STEP ONE

Burning the matches

This is NOT for children to do.  I would even argue that (neat as it looks) kids should not be allowed to watch this step.

You can burn the matches one at a time and blow them out quickly so just the ends are charred.  But if you're making a grownup cross, it's going to take 120 matches or so and if you're making crosses with a group of kids, you'll be blowing out matches for days!  So... here are two quick methods for doing it.

(Make sure you have a towel and glass of water handy to extinguish any rogue flames.  It's never happened to me, but better safe than sorry.)

METHOD ONE:  Stacked Matches.  

bullet Put the number of matches you need stacked with the ends lined up in the box.
bullet If you're doing loads of matches, fill up to 3/4 of the box at a time (I only ever do 1/2 the box to be safe).  You have to leave some of the box empty to provide enough fuel (oxygen) for all the match tips to burn.  If not all of your matches burn, you have your box too full.
bullet Put the lid on 1/2 way (empty side showing) -- my husband prefers this way.
bullet Put the lid on almost all the way (match ends showing) -- I prefer this way.
bullet Light a match and drop it on the match ends
bullet If you used the 1/2 way closed box method, slam the lid shut (it doesn't have to be completely closed).  If you used the almost all the way closed box method just stand back
bullet Stand back
bullet a flame will shoot out of the box
bullet You can reuse the box a few times


METHOD TWO:  Kissing Matches.  

This way takes a bit longer to set up, but works every time.

bullet Position two or three layers of matches end to end 
bullet Put the lid on 1/2 way
bullet Light a match and drop it on the match ends
bullet Slam the lid shut (it doesn't have to be completely closed)
bullet Stand back
bullet a flame will shoot out of the box
bullet the ends of the matches will be burnt and the fire will not have enough oxygen to keep burning.



Alrighty then... all of that was just to burn the matches!  Now we have to use them for something.

Kids Version

bullet on a piece of cardboard, draw a vertical line right down the center.
bullet draw a horizontal line about 1/3 of the way down from the top
bullet it's much easier for the kids to construct their cross on a full piece of cardboard than a cut out one.  
bullet We used plain brown cardboard, but you can get a nice colored cardstock or poster board to set off the cross (maybe blue or green)


bullet It doesn't matter how many matchsticks you use, you just have to make them symmetrical.  We used 5 sticks for each of the slanted parts and  7 sticks for each of the horizontal and vertical parts.  We found this a nice number for our 7 year old.
bullet Starting with the slanted parts, glue the sticks on so the middle stick is in the corner (where the lines you drew intersect).  The other sticks should be lined up along the vertical and horizontal lines you drew 

bullet You can matchstick cut to about 1/2 the size along the vertical line you drew and a two 1/4 matchsticks along the horizontal line you drew.
bullet Continue adding the slanted parts until all 4 are done

bullet the kids used a lot more glue than needed *laugh*  Oh well, they had fun
bullet Once all 4 slanted pieces are done, start adding the vertical and horizontal pieces.  The bottoms of the matches should touch the slanted pieces.

bullet the bottom of the cross has two rows of matches instead of just one.

Grown Up Version:
bullet this is identical to the kids version, but you'll likely want to use more matches (we did 9 match slants and 15 match vertical/horizontal sections)
bullet You may also want to cut out your base so that it will be totally covered by matches (you won't be able to see the cardboard).